Roy Karlsvik Photography


I am a norwegian man, grown up in a town called Ålesund on the northwestern coast of norway. About 50 000 people live in or around this picturesque corner of the world.

Due to a big fire back in 1904, when the entire city burnt down, we are blessed with a town centre with somewhat unusual architecture compared to other norwegian towns. It was rebuilt in 1905, all Art Noveau style, and still most of the buildings in the town centre are from that era.

The landscape in the area is quite spectacular. Deep fjords, high and steep mountains, small islands giving a bit of shelter against the forever pounding North Sea.

I am working as a marine engineer, currently on a ship carrying unmanned submarines, or ROV’s. This means that I am away for four weeks at a time, before I go home to spend four weeks there, doing what I want and like.

I am also a hobby photographer, and will probably use the most part of my website to show photographs of this area, and probably some from work or places I visit during work or leisure.

Most people will use a digital camera these days, but I rather do film photography if I got the chance. I got a digital Nikon D300, but I have to say that I usually have a better time when I can walk around with one of my many film cameras.

This website will probably contain a bit from both the digital and film world, and I just have to say that I hope you enjoy some of my stories and pictures.

West of Shetland, at sea


Roy Karlsvik

Roy Karlsvik